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Police Navidad: Dublin cops sing about drunk tank

Police Navidad: Dublin cops sing about drunk tank

614now Staff

The Dublin Police Department are hoping their little holiday jingle will convince folks to stay out of the drunk tank this Christmas.

The musically inclined public information office Josh Poland along with a quartet of singing cops put their own spin on the holiday classic “Feliz Navidad” by replacing “feliz” with “police.” Not bad, Dublin, not bad.

Between verses, the officers chat about safe driving during the holidays and what it would be like to spend them in the hooscow.

“Instead of having a home-cooked meal, you’re going to be eating something like this,” the non-singing Officer Chuck Collier said as he pulled out a frozen meal, and, “While the children are nestled all snug in their bed, you’re stuck here sleeping on a concrete slab.”


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