Dumpster diving and trash finds make for an interesting movie night

by 614now Staff
December 16, 2014

Wexner Center for the Arts will hold the Found Footage Festival tonight at 7:00 pm. Curators Joe Pickett (The Onion) and Nick Prueher (Late Show with David Letterman, The Colbert Report) will show the audience the greatest, latest, and weirdest VHS finds. After scouring garage sales, thrift stores, and even dumpsters Pickett and Prueher are ready to show what they have uncovered with live commentary and “where are they now” updates.
This year’s highlights include more footage of the world’s most annoying home shopping hosts, John & Johnny and a montage of exercise clips with a Christmas-themed workout, a martial arts-themed fitness tape called “Tiger Moves” and a video known only as “Butt Camp.”