Drake: Jon Waters not getting his job back

OSU President Dr. Michael Drake was stuck with addressing the elephant in the room at the Columbus Metropolitan Club Forum: the band. He’s kept pretty quiet about the affair since Waters was fired last month, but after massive public outcry (that’s an understatement) and a movement to have Jon Waters reinstated after claims of his termination being a “scapegoat,” but at CMC Wednesday he dove into the issue. He said he was personally, and profoundly disappointed by the report that was dropped on his desk just scant weeks after he began his tenure as OSU president. He said while he was a great fan of the band, “we need to move forward, so we made the difficult decision that new leadership was required.” During the Q&A forum, he spoke the repeated mantra of having looked at the facts in the report and needing to move forward.
The bottom line: Jon Waters isn’t going to be rehired, at least not with the sentiment Drake gave off. He said the university is prepared for the consequences if a lawsuit does follow.