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Woman with Ebola told CDC of low-grade fever before flying

Woman with Ebola told CDC of low-grade fever before flying


Amber Joy Vinson, the woman who has contracted Ebola after caring for Thomas Duncan, had actually called the CDC and told them she had a low-grade fever of 99.5 degrees before she got on the plane. She even called them more than once, but because her temperature wasn’t 100.4 degrees she was cleared to fly and wasn’t deemed “high risk.”

Ohio officials though have stressed that the risk of Ebola spreading is pretty slim.

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Previously October 15, 2014
CDC said infected woman shouldn’t have traveled

UPDATE: Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the infected woman “should not have traveled on a commercial airplane,” the Dispatch reported. The AP has reported the nurse to be 29-year-old Amber Joy Vinson, and other outlets have reported she was in Ohio planning her wedding. She had been caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to have died from Ebola in the United States, and records show that she had been dealing with his bodily fluids when inserting catheters and drawing blood. Currently she is not at a huge risk for infecting those close to her and around her, Frieden said.

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The second U.S. health worker that has been diagnosed with Ebola flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Monday, the day before she began showing symptoms of the disease, the Center for Disease Control said. All 132 passengers that were on her same flight will be interviewed by the CDC. She had been working with the Ebola patient in Dallas and then became ill herself.

She had been visiting family in the Akron area between Oct. 8 and Oct. 13, according to Ohio Health officials. “Ohio has swiftly acted and is working with the CDC and Summit County health officials to identify people who may have been in close contact with the health care worker and implement quarantine as necessary. In addition, Ohio is working with the airline to identify individuals on her return flight to Dallas,” according to a ODH news release.

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