Welcome to 614now.com

BBQ got its deep hooks into me when I had…
This new website is going to change my life. Literally.
I spend a lot of time reading this or that website, various publications and constant monitoring of my social streams to stay “in the know”. Beside being part of my job, I’m truly captivated by the incredible pace at which our city is evolving. It’s tough to admit, but even as the publisher of (614) Magazine, Stock & Barrel, Fit Columbus, UWeekly and others, I’m constantly amazed at how little about Columbus I really know.
That’s why we built this website you’re looking at right now – to make it incredibly easy to stay plugged in and not miss out on the cool, the new, the strange, the controversial, the fun and the inspiring. There are three elements to our mission that we hope will make 614now.com your daily addiction.
- Our editorial filter is focused on things that happen or affect those living, working or playing inside I-270. We’re tirelessly looking for things that might matter to you from categories as wide ranging as hard news to sports and entertainment to weather. The category list in our navigation says it all.
- Our voice will be honest, direct and succinct. Maybe even a little playful and sarcastic at times. This isn’t your buttoned-down 6pm newscast, that’s for sure. Time is precious and we promise to save you lots of it while learning more about our city than ever before. Posts will generally be 150 words or so with links to longer versions of the story if you’re so inclined.
- Columbus is becoming a big place with lots of varied interests. That’s why we created a channel for you to help guide our efforts and uncover the things our editorial light might not shine on. By using #614now on Twitter, we’ll feature your discoveries in our social stream and they might even spawn a full feature on 614now or in one of our magazines. You’ll also have the opportunity to comment on stories, vote in polls and submit short opinion pieces on things that matter to you.
We’re always open to suggestions on how to make our products more enjoyable and valuable to you. Don’t be shy. Feel free to drop us a message anytime here.
I’m confident this site will make my life easier and help me experience even more of our awesome city. I hope it does the same for you. And yes, this will likely be the longest post ever on this site.
Stay classy, Columbus
Wayne T. Lewis