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Probably nothing to fear with ‘purge’ threat

Probably nothing to fear with ‘purge’ threat


The likelihood of the “purge” threat that has circulated via social media in Delaware county having any actual danger is low, officials have said. Authorities have said nearly an identical post has been pushed into Cleveland, Louisville, Ky., and Ontario, Ohio and thus far none of those areas have had any danger during the time periods of the threat. Right now there is still “no credible evidence” of any real danger, ThisWeek Community News reported.

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Previously August 18, 2014
Delaware police poised for “Purge” threat

Police are ready for a possible threat for a “Purge” crime-ridden night after fliers were sent around advertising the night as Friday. The idea is based around the movie with the same title, which is centers around a future civilization that has a 12-hour period where all crime is legal so as to “purge” people of their need to commit crimes each year. According to 10TV, the fliers have said, “A purge will take place from 8:30pm until 6:30AM the following morning taking place in Delaware, OH on the date of 8/22/14 this purge is promised.” Delaware police said they are alert for the possibility of higher crime rates during that time frame Friday.

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