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Photos, videos + flirting: Grade-school teachers lose license

Photos, videos + flirting: Grade-school teachers lose license


Three Columbus City School teachers had their license to teach permanently revoked Tuesday, with the State Board of Education voting unanimously for two of the cases.

Kyle Harrington taught fifth grade at Marburn Academy. More than 100 photos and videos were found on his computer of the lower part of boys who were clothed. There were also videos of students getting “birthday wedgies” and “birthday spankings.”

Tadios Desta was a substitute teachers. In 2012 a girl performed oral sex on three boys in the sixth-grade class Desta was watching. He had already been flagged by some schools to not use after other complaints such as sleeping in class and other incidents.

Wendy Duffy was a teacher at Marysville’s Creekview Middle School. She had repeatedly texted sixth-grade boys and while they weren’t sexual messages they were deemed flirtatious. The board voted in favor to take her license 15-1.

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