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80’s set to return with new bar in Clintonville

80’s set to return with new bar in Clintonville

614now Staff

There’s something to be said for the latest styles,…the hip, the happening, the now of fashion styles and music. But what if your guilty or not-so-guilty pleasure involves the tunes and the trends of the 80s. If that’s you, Business First reports that you’re about to have a new club to call your own.

George Tanchveski is the guy who brought you Local Cantina and is now looking ahead…by looking back…to the days of Cyndi Lauper, Twisted Sister, Culture Club and more. He’s currently reworking an old Clintonville restaurant called Giorgio (2941 North High Street) into a new bar called Old Skool with plans to open and cater to 80s fans in January.  (jj)

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(photo credit: Cyndi Lauper)


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