10TV news anchor reveals cancer diagnosis
Following a 10TV report on a Stefanie Spielman Fund fundraiser Friday night, anchor Kristyn Harman revealed to viewers some news about her own personal health. She’s been diagnosed with a form of breast cancer.
Hartman says that she has Ductal Carcinoma…something that she calls “Stage 0” breast cancer. She says that doctors detected the disease through a recent mammogram and they tell her that it is highly treatable. Removal and reconstructive surgeries will have the anchor away from the desk for about four weeks.
…This taught me a lesson I want to share. If I had let “life stuff” get in the way of my annual mammogram, who knows the problem I might have confronted later. Vigilant, yearly testing means I found it early. It means I control the path I take. I want the same for you. So, please, make sure you get those very important medical tests at the ages you’re supposed to – everything from mammograms, to colonoscopies, to skin checks to those annual physicals. Stay on top of your health. You owe it to yourself, and to the people you love – after all, life is beautiful!
– Kristyn Hartman, 10TV anchor
(photo credit: Kristyn Hartman)