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Grocery store parking lot contaminated with toxic agent

Grocery store parking lot contaminated with toxic agent

614now Staff

Visitors to the Giant Eagle Market District at the Kingsdale Shopping Center are seeing more than just cars and shopping carts in the parking lot these days. Right now, there’s a huge hole.

Before the GE Market District moved in, the space at Kingsdale was home to a Swan Cleaners. Investigators from the EPA say that a dry-cleaning solvent called tetrachloroethylen somehow made its way into the soil and groundwater. This chemical is known to dramatically increase the risk of Parkinsons Disease and can lead to cancer.

When the shopping center was redeveloped six years ago, the contamination was simply reburied on another part of the property, covered in orange fencing and blacktop. You’ll be shocked to learned that this is NOT the proper or recommended way to dispose of this sort of stuff. The area where the tetrachloroethylen contamination was reburied is now part of the Giant Eagle parking lot. Workers are now digging all of that up and disposing of it in the correct manner.  (jj)

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