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Ohio State considers rescinding Cosby’s honorary degree

Ohio State considers rescinding Cosby’s honorary degree

614now Staff

shutterstock_63681133These are rough days for legendary comedian / accused serial rapist Bill Cosby.

The former Jell-O pitchman who holds honorary degrees from more than 20 colleges and universities had three of those degrees rescinded in the last several weeks. Fordham, Marquette and Brown took back the honors. Brown University released a letter that said, in part:  “It has become clear, by his own admission in legal depositions that became public this summer, that Mr. Cosby has engaged in conduct with women that is contrary to the values of Brown and the qualities for which he was honored.” 

Business First reports that Ohio State is now examining the status of the honorary degree that it bestowed on the Cos back in 2001. Translation? They may take it back.

Cosby delivered a commencement address that year. His focus? Integrity.

More than 50 women have come forward to say that they were sexually assaulted by the former Cliff Huxtable.  (jj)

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