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Pro- and Anti- pot legalization campaigns kick off today

Pro- and Anti- pot legalization campaigns kick off today

614now Staff

The marijuana pro-legalization effort ResponsibleOhio on Monday is launching an 88-county bus tour of Ohio. The move is aimed at drumming up support for the proposed state constitutional amendment recently approved for the November ballot. The group says that the tour…dubbed “Green Rush”…. will highlight reasons for voters to support their initiative…reasons that they say include expanding economic opportunities and putting illegal drug dealers out of the marijuana business. ResponsibleOhio plans to travel all around the state and include many visits to college campuses.

The campaign of a group with an opposing view will also begin today. This campaign against the proposed amendment focuses on what they describe as the dangers of children getting their hands on marijuana edibles including drinks and sweets.

ResponsibleOhio says that people will be required to show ID to purchase things like marijuana edibles, so they will be “childproof.”

Because requiring people to show ID always keeps items out of the hands of those who are too young to make legal purchases. For more on this point, see guns and booze.


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