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Police catch rock-throwers near 33, had struck dozens of moving cars

Police catch rock-throwers near 33, had struck dozens of moving cars

614now Staff

11692553_10152980290056762_8229917293241142504_nPolice have taken more than 20 reports in the last week from drivers who report rocks being thrown at their cars as they traveled route 33. Many drivers suffered serious damage to their vehicles including busted mirrors and windows. It all makes for an incredibly dangerous situation for people driving a heavily trafficked stretch of roadway who then suddenly have their windows shatter. Thankfully, no injuries (or worse) were reported.

Authorities detained three 13 year-old boys in the case late Monday afternoon. After more vehicle were struck near afternoon rush hour, police spotted the boys in the woods near a creek underneath route 33…with rocks in hand…preparing to heave stones at more cars.

Charges are pending against the teens.  (jj)

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