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Update: Jail time for woman who called 911 to complain about Chinese food

Update: Jail time for woman who called 911 to complain about Chinese food

614now Staff

chinesenowIn 1990, Public Enemy told us all that 911 is a joke.

Well, she wasn’t joking when Cleveland resident Tracey McCloud called the emergency line in July to complain about her take-out order from a Chinese restaurant. She was quite serious. The police who arrested Tracey that day for abusing the system were also quite serious. And later, so was the prosecutor and the judge that heard her case.

The 44 year-old woman called 911 that day to complain about the food and the service that she was receiving at a strip mall Chinese restaurant called Main Moon.

I have bought some Chinese food and it’s not to par to me and I asked to get my money back and they’re acting like they don’t understand me and took my food and won’t give me my money back.

– Tracey McCloud, 911 call

When the dispatcher questioned Tracey as to why she was calling the emergency line with such a relatively minor complaint, she answered:

Um, what am I supposed to do? Jump over the thing and beat ‘em up and get my money back…

The dispatcher sent police and Tracey was arrested.

She has now had her day in court and was sentenced to three days in jail, plus a $250 fine.   (jj)

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