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Woman calls 911 to report bad Chinese food

Woman calls 911 to report bad Chinese food

614now Staff

250px-OHMap-doton-AllianceTracey McCloud takes her Chinese food seriously. That’s why when the 44 year-old Alliance, Ohio woman was served what she considered to be an inadequate dish at a strip mall joint on Monday, she took things to the next logical step. From inside the Main Moon Chinese Restaurant, she called 911.

911: Alliance Police and Fire. What is your emergency?

Tracey McCloud: At Main Moon in College Plaza.

911: What’s the problem?

TM: I have bought some Chinese food and it’s not to par to me and I asked to get my money back and they’re acting like they don’t understand me and took my food and won’t give me my money back.

911: What’s your name?

TM: Tracey McCloud.

911: And this is why you called 911?

TM: Um, what am I supposed to do? Jump over the thing and beat ’em up and get my money back…

911: No, you could have called the regular police line instead of the life-threatening emergency line. I will….

TM: Oh, well, they transferred me…wait a minute…they transferred me to you.

911: We’ll send someone to you.

The dispatcher did send officers and McCloud was arrested. She’s been charged with misuse of 911 (a 4th degree felony). She is due to appear in court this Friday.

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