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Dumb Kid Swallows Dog Toy – Squeaks When He Talks

Dumb Kid Swallows Dog Toy – Squeaks When He Talks

614now Staff

Have you ever wanted to sound like Wheezy from Toy Story? Well there’s a boy in New Jersey who’s accomplished that dream.

The boy’s voice wheezes and squeaks as his mother asks him what happens and he replies with, “I swallowed a doggy toy.”

Let’s get this out of the way, this kid is way older than your typical “Swallow anything baby.”

I have SO many questions. Why was that toy in his mouth? How the heck did he swallow it? Can a dog toy even fit down a human throat? Did he swallow the entire toy or just the squeaky part of it? Why is there a pawprint on his ER gown? Did his parents take him to the Vet? What’s going on?

And most of all, boy, didn’t your mama teach you not to EAT things that your dog plays with? Or maybe he didn’t even have a dog and he just up and picked up a dog toy from Target (because you know his parents shop there and they probably drag him along) and put it in his throat?

Long story short, I do not have sympathy for this kid. Kid is a pretty loose term as well, he looks about sixteen.

I remember being a kid and squeezing the crap out of my dog’s toys to annoy my mom, but never once did I think, ‘hey, let’s swallow this.’

In the video, his mother asks him how he can tell he swallowed a chew toy, and the boy widens his eyes and takes a deep breath, releasing a volley of squeaks and wheezes.

Parents now have something to new to worry about because apparently some kids swallow dog toys.


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