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Here Are Some Beers to Drink for National American Beer Day

Here Are Some Beers to Drink for National American Beer Day

614now Staff

Hey everyone — all the news outlets are reporting on it being National American Beer Day. I have not checked a calendar, so based on the sheer amount of absurd and unneeded “National (fill in the blank) Day” there happens to be, I’m just going to roll with this.

Here’s a list of American Beers to Drink — we’ve split the list into two lists, microbrews and industrial-grade, mass produced beer. We felt this was necessary for obvious reasons.

These are in no way a demarcation of quality or our personal favorites, but instead it is literally the first ten beers I could think of that I’d drink if they were placed in front of me.

“Domestic” Beer

5.) A warm Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers.

4.) A Pabst Blue Ribbon and a Lone Star that have been put through a food processor.

3.) The Bud Light Clamato (They sell it on the coasts.) With some sand on the bottle, but you’re not really sure.

2.) Bud Light Lime-A-Rita, no frills.

1.) Blue Moon that is actually just mostly an orange.

“Craft” Beer

5.) Tommyknocker Butthead Bock

4.) CBC Bodhi or Creeper

3.) Bell’s Two-Hearted

2.) Wolf’s Ridge Driftwood

1.) Rhinegeist Truth

All these beers can be easily found in a grocery store, gas station or dive bar (except for Tommyknocker, that’s a microbrew out of Colorado that I just found one day and have always really enjoyed.)


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