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Trump Jr. apologizes for mis-identifying Chillicothe woman as a Nazi

Trump Jr. apologizes for mis-identifying Chillicothe woman as a Nazi

614now Staff

A Chillicothe woman threatening to sue Donald Trump Jr. for defamation decided to drop the litigation after Trump Jr. tweeted her an apology.

Trump Jr. falsely identified Portia Boulger as a woman pictured in a Trump T-shirt at a Chicago Trump rally who gave the Nazi salute in a retweet he sent out to his 410,000 followers.

After it was determined that the woman pictured was actually Birgitt Peterson of Yorkville, IL, he deleted the retweet, but only after thousands had seen it.

Trump Jr. has since sent out a tweet that read, “Nazi salute woman at Chicago rally wasn’t Bernie supporter Portia Boulger – was someone else. Got bad info. My apologies.”

However, Boulger says that her mis-identification was no mistake, since she serves as Social Media Director for the website Women4Bernie.


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