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Clinton Wins Mock Election in Blowout

Clinton Wins Mock Election in Blowout

614now Staff

Teenagers around the United States participated in a mock election hosted by Channel One, and Hillary Clinton won the presidency (theoretically.)

If in all reality — if she doesn’t win, it’ll be the first time Channel One has gotten their prediction wrong since the mock election started in 1992.

Channel One is essentially a news media resource for kids and teenagers around the country, and their mock election teaches students to dive into politics with an educated mind. The elections are held in schools around the country, and this year’s election was awaited with bated breath.

Hillary Clinton won by 47% to Trump’s 41%, out of a total of 292,749 votes with 12% voting for another candidate. Despite that not being super impressive, if you look at the electoral college it’s a different story — Hillary won 365 of the 538 electoral votes — Claiming 67% of all the electoral college, arguably a blowout. 

The last presidential election to get a higher percentage of electoral votes was in 1996 when Bill Clinton won 379 votes with 70% in 1996 against Bob Dole.

Trump still took Ohio out from underneath Hillary, which comes at slight surprise since Trump is currently only leading in Ohio by one percentage point in the latest polls, and most polls tend to have a margin of error of about seven percentage points on average, according to the New York Times.

Among the most pressing issues of this election, terrorism was overwhelmingly the biggest concern for youth around the United States.

So what do you think of the vote? Do you trust it?’

[Editor’s note: edited phrasing on poll/vote discrepancy. This was a vote, not a poll.]


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