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Columbus is One Step Closer to Police Body Cams

Columbus is One Step Closer to Police Body Cams

614now Staff

Today the city announced that an agreement was reached between the city of Columbus and the Fraternal Order of Police in the issue of police body worn cameras.

The agreement, according to Mayor Ginther, will expedite the implementation of body cams for police officers.

Body worn cameras have been shown to improve trust between the police and the community and have been statistically proven to both significantly reduce use of force by officers and reduce citizen complaints against officers.  The cameras will be a valuable tool in enhancing police- community relationships and public safety,” said the press release. 

“We want officers to be able to do their jobs, and we want the cameras to serve the purpose for which they were designed.  This agreement will expedite the implementation of body worn cameras for the community and our officers,” said Mayor Ginther. 

Body cameras were first slated to be introduced to traffic cops by the end of 2016, and city council president Zach Klein said, “This helps improve policing across the nation and that’s why I’ve been such a big proponent of body cameras and I think this is just as good for police as it is for the community,” he said.

The body cameras will be deployed in eight stages, before hopefully all cameras are ready by two years.


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