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Controversy After Trump’s Columbus Visit

Controversy After Trump’s Columbus Visit

614now Staff
Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons
Above Photo by Michael Vadon, Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons

Trump’s visit to Columbus’s Greater Convention Center nearly went off without a hitch but it was a lone Trump comment that has spurred some controversy.

Speaking to a crowd of over 1,000 people, Trump accused the Columbus Fire Marshall of turning people away at the door, “We could have had four, five, six thousand people. They’ve all been turned away,” Trump said. “They won’t allow anymore – the Fire Marshall said he’s not allowed to allow any more, even though the building holds many thousands of people…That’s politics at its lowest.”

The office for Columbus Safety Directors worked with Trump as late as last Friday to figure out how many people would be allowed into his event, with 1,000 being the number agreed upon, according to CFD Spokeswoman Rebecca Diehm.

The convention center spoke with ABC 6/FOX 28 and has also said that the everyone planning the event agreed on the 1,000 person capacity. The convention center went as far to dismiss the popular Wizard World Comic Con event to make room for Trump.

Regardless, Trump has plans for frequent stops in Ohio, as it is one of the most important swing states in his bid for the Presidency. He promised the audience that he’ll be back so much that, “you’ll be sick of me.”


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