It’ll Be Years for CPD Body Camera Full Integration

A quote by Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther in 2015 claimed that the city’s police officers would start wearing body cameras by the beginning of 2017 — and while that is technically true — according to new information from Wednesday’s City Council public hearing — we’re going to have to wait for the entire police force, and that wait could be up to three years.
“Fiscally and technologically it is not possible to equip all our officers by the end of the year.” Cathy Collins, Assistant Director for the Columbus Department of Public Safety, said to me this morning over the phone.
Ultimately, the city is taking measures to outfit the traffic division of the CPD with cameras before the end of the year, but the rest will take as long as three years.
What do you think? Is this inline with how other Ohio cities are handling their body cameras? Let us know in the comments.
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