Ohio’s Minimum Wage to Increase in 2017

Ohio will be among 20 other states that will increase their minimum wage in 2017, but the increase barely stacks up to other states’, according to CNN.
Minimum wage workers can expect an increase of five cents next year. $8.10 to $8.15 — Or an extra 2 bucks on your 40 hour paycheck.
The biggest increase is seen in Arizona (up 24% to $10) and Maine (up 20% to $9). What’s a .05 cent increase look like compared to those big ol’ percentages?
Hey, you know what they say — one penny at a time (I don’t actually know who says that.) As a totally, unrelated thing, the percentage of persons in poverty in Ohio is about 14% compared to Arizona which has a 17%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Just as a reminder, Arizona’s minimum wage went up 24%, and ours couldn’t even make it to a single digit at 0.61%.
Here’s a full list of new wages based on states. We’re beating Florida, at least, but…we’re losing to Arkansas.
- Alaska – $9.80
- Arizona – $10.00
- Arkansas – $8.50
- California – $10.00 for small employers; 10.50 for large employers
- Colorado – $9.30
- Connecticut – $10.10
- Florida – $8.10
- Hawaii – $9.25
- Maine – $9.00
- Maryland – $9.25 (as of July)
- Massachusetts – $11.00
- Michigan – $8.90
- Missouri – $7.70
- Montana – $8.15
- New Jersey – $8.44
- New York – Varies across state from $9.70 to $11 (as of 12/31/16)*
- Ohio – $8.15
- Oregon – $10.25 (as of July)
- South Dakota – $8.65
- Vermont – $10.00
- Washington – $11.00
*The basic minimum wage is $9.70 in most of the state. But it’s higher for the fast food industry; Long Island; Westchester County; and large and small employers in New York City.