No biggie: Ex-Marysville teacher gets 7 days in jail for sex with student

An ex-Marysville teacher who was facing up to 20 years in jail for having sex with an 18-year-old male student at school was sentenced to only 7 days in jail Monday.
Stacey McConoughey, 36, was remorseful and cooperative in court according to Judge Don Fraser.
The relationship she had with the male student lasted from October 2014 until May 2015, and came to light when the male student told his guidance counselor about it.
McConoughey also lost her teaching license and will be classified as a Tier III sex offender, the highest tier, meaning she will have to register every 90 days for life.
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3/29/16: Guilty: former Marysville teacher had sex with student at school
A former Marysville teacher plead guilty to four counts of sexual battery and could face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and face up to a $40,000 fine as a result.
37-year-old Stacey McConoughey could also be classified as a Tier III sex offender, which would require her to register every 90 days.
The inappropriate relationship lasted from October 2014 to May 2015 and involved four separate incidents, two of which occurred at school. The 18-year-old victim was also her teacher’s aide.
Sentencing is scheduled for May 16.
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