Man threatens to blow up PNC Bank after robbing it

by 614now Staff
March 2, 2016

An unknown man told PNC Bank employees that if police investigated the scene of a bank robbery, he would blow up the bank.
The bank is located at 155 E Broad St., and the robbery occurred at approximately 9:19 a.m. Surrounding streets from 3rd to 5th St. are currently closed by police.
Employees were evacuated from the area and police are currently investigating a suspicious package the man left at the bank with a bomb robot.
UPDATE: No explosives were found at the PNC Bank. Authorities are clearing the area.
The suspect is described as a 5’10” black male with a small afro, glasses and a goatee. He may be wearing a cream-colored Gap jacket with brown markings. It is unclear if he fled with any cash.
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