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Avid Trump Supporter Has House Vandalized

Avid Trump Supporter Has House Vandalized

614now Staff

A North Linden man, Rick Daughtery, has said his Trump signs were replaced with three swastikas spray painted on his flower box.

Daughtery’s homemade campaign sign apparently read “Donald Trump, the White House; Hillary Clinton, the jailhouse; Bernie Sanders, the nuthouse; Obama, the outhouse.”

Daughtery has made it no secret that he is an avid Trump supporter but he denies any support for the Nazi symbol of hate frequently used by white nationalists to show solidarity with the “white power” movement.

“I’m not in a hate group. I’m not in a hate group. It’s like I said, I just want the problems fixed in our country for once,” said Daughtery to 10tv.

“Even though I don’t believe in the same political views that he does, I don’t think that it’s a good idea to try to judge or separate one another based solely on political views,” said neighbor Windi Noble to 10tv.

Daughtery finally made a plea for the vandals, “It’s not going to get you anywhere but jail.”


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