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Capital Student Assaulted by Alleged Trump Supporters

Capital Student Assaulted by Alleged Trump Supporters

614now Staff

A late-night walk to catch some Pokemon turned into an unprovoked attack on Capital University’s campus last Thursday.

Brittany Daughenbaugh, a Biology Pre-Med student and Teaching Assistant, was on Francis Street playing Pokemon Go when she was grabbed by a man allegedly wearing a, “Trump Pence” sweatshirt and approached by another man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Daughenbaugh said to the Dispatch that the sweatshirt wearing man told her, “Don’t you worry, honey. President Trump says this is OK.” He then punched her in the face and arm, and she then fell to the ground hitting her head and causing her to black out.

Both the hospital she was examined at and the police are treating her injuries as valid, and the hospital said to the Dispatch that there was “evidence of foul play.”

Daughenbaugh is recovering from her injuries and has returned to Capital after a few days rest in her hometown.

To read more about Daughenbaugh and other similar attacks, continue the story here at Columbus Dispatch. 


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