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CPD Warns Against Dangerous NYE Celebratory Gunfire

CPD Warns Against Dangerous NYE Celebratory Gunfire

614now Staff

The Columbus Division of Police are going on a crusade to stop people from randomly shooting their guns into their air during New Year’s Celebrations like some drunk Yosemite Sam.

“The Columbus Division of Police asks all Columbus residents to celebrate responsibly on New Year’s Eve. Incidents of random and celebratory gunfire have injured and killed dozens throughout our country over the past decade. Tragically, a 16 year old girl was killed shortly after midnight on January 1, 2005, right here in Columbus. Her senseless death was the result of celebratory gunfire which began at a party across the street from her home. It is everyone’s responsibility to spread the word about the dangers of this unsafe practice.” They wrote on their website.

The website serves as a defacto one-stop -shop for everything you need to convince people not to fire rounds into the sky including a posters, pamphlets, and a map of reported gunshots between 2011 – 2014.

The map they’ve provided is especially worrisome, considering nearly everything North and East is marked as “HIGH.”


To learn more about CPD’s efforts to stop celebratory gunfire, head over to their website.


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