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Three drunk drivers busted at Friday’s DUI checkpoints

Three drunk drivers busted at Friday’s DUI checkpoints

614now Staff

The results are in from last Friday’s downtown DUI checkpoint, and if there was ever any doubt in your mind, they show that drunk driving is just plain stupid.

Three drivers were arrested for OVI out of the 244 vehicles that passed through the checkpoints, located at Livingston Ave. and Grant Ave., and Nationwide Blvd. and Neil Ave.

Four drivers were given citations for not wearing a seatbelt, four were driving without a license, and 13 other citations were issued.

Next time you even think about drunk driving, save yourself the hassle, and save the city the risk to public safety. Call a friend or call a cab. You can thank them in the morning.


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4/22/16: Downtown DUI checkpoints scheduled for tonight

Two DUI checkpoints are scheduled for tonight in areas officials say are plagued with a high number of intoxicated driving accidents.

One is downtown, the other is in the arena district.

The first will be at Livingston Ave. and S. Grant Ave. near the downtown from 9 to 11 p.m.

A second will be at Neil Ave. and W. Nationwide Blvd. in the Arena District from 1 to 3 a.m. Saturday.

Remember to always have a designated driver if you plan on going out to drink.

And if you somehow find yourself without a ride, don’t be a hero–call yourself an Uber or a taxi.



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