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UPDATE: Deadline arrives for low-income evictions

UPDATE: Deadline arrives for low-income evictions

614now Staff

Yesterday was the deadline for the eviction notices that dozens of low-income residents of the Near East Side Bryden House apartments received just a month ago.

Many of those who were evicted are elderly and facing health problems, leaving them with few options.

Though the notices caused a stir due to the quick turnaround and their being issued in the middle of winter, attorneys with the Legal Aid Society confirmed their legality.

The original owner of the Bryden House intended for the space to be used exclusively for low-income residents, though these restrictions were lifted by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency on November 27, 2015.

It’s easy to see that the eviction notices were issued just weeks after the restrictions were lifted.


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Multiple elderly, low-income residents are being evicted from the Bryden House apartments, leaving many disabled residents scrambling to find a new place to live in the middle of winter.

Without explanation, residents received notices in December that they must find new housing by Jan. 31. Bryden Management LLC filed evictions against nearly 60 tenants in 2015, according to Franklin County Municipal Court records.



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