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Lower taxes, more beard: Westerville man runs for president

Lower taxes, more beard: Westerville man runs for president

614now Staff

Sometimes it’s not the man that makes the beard, it’s the beard that makes the man.

Westerville high school history teacher Ben Hartnell wants to give Americans disillusioned with the two major political parties another (notably bearded) choice for president, on a platform they decide.

Hartnell is running on his self-founded “Sparty Party,” for which its stances on major issues will be decided by the American voters.

“That’s right, YOU tell US what YOU want US to do since WE represent YOU,” Hartnell writes on his official campaign website,

But why is it called the “Sparty Party,” you may ask?

“Who doesn’t love Sparty, the mascot for Michigan State?! Plus it rhymes with Party… and Americans love things that rhyme,” Hartnell writes.

Though Hartnell’s candidacy may very well be tongue-in-cheek, his write-in campaign could garner some level of success come November, especially given both major candidates’ sky-high disapproval ratings.

Plus, the man does have a knack for branding. Who wouldn’t want to “Make America Bearded Again?”

UPDATE: Following the publication of this article, Ben Hartnell changed the name of his “Sparty Party” to the “Harty Party,” which he says comes from a childhood nickname.

But the name isn’t just a homage to himself. Hartnell writes on his website that the name can apply to everyone, everywhere.

“Think of the “Harty Party” as being the “[Insert Your Name Here] Party”… a political party made up of people from all walks of life.

Learn more at Hartnell’s official campaign website below!


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