OSU Makes Big Bucks with Beer Sales

Well, OSU has done the impossible — they’ve managed to convince the thousands and thousands of game go-ers that drinking beer while watching football is not as strange as it sounds. Who would have thought that selling alcohol at a college football game could be so successful…
Anyway, how much have they raked in? More than $410,000 in revenue, according to FOX28. Okay, so what you’re probably thinking how they’re going to use that money? Well, they’re going to use it increase the reach of the OSU Police Department.
“Using the money to fund the operation of the Ohio State police department is a great cause and in fact, we’re not just funding their ongoing operation. They’re going to expand and hire four new police officers with this revenue,” Johnson said to Fox28. The rest of the money will be used to help fund drug and alcohol treatment research with the final leftover lump sum of money going to their athletics department.
The beers at the stadium are not cheap, which could explain the revenue — costing $8 for a single beer or $9 for a craft brew. This falls in line with most stadium pricing, Nationwide pushes $10 for a single beer, depending on the label.