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Ohio Pokemon GO User Claims World First Catch of Articuno (Allegedly)

Ohio Pokemon GO User Claims World First Catch of Articuno (Allegedly)

614now Staff

Ohio started this year with The Cavs becoming the 2016 Champions and now we have another notch on Ohio’s #winning belt.

We’ve caught the world’s first legendary bird Articuno in Pokemon GO, a popular cellphone app that nearly doubled Nintendo’s stock price.

That’s right boys and girls, we did it. People in Japan and Australia are reading news right now thinking, “Where the hell is Ohio, and how did they do this?”

Rumors and accusations are swirling, as most players have deemed this 100% fake (and for good reason, this Bird Pokemon has never been seen in-game so far.)

The timing is very coincidental as this week saw  a controversial new update to Pokemon GO that had many users reeling with despair, and downright quitting the game all together.

We’ve embedded the video below and no word on which part of Ohio this user hails from, but expect a flood of tourism, Unknown City, you’re about to be swimming in nerds on their cellphones.

The video is already racking up views, so expect an official statement from Niantic soon.

Despite the fact that this is likely a hoax, let’s take a win when we get a win and deal with the fallout later.


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