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School Kids’ Worst Nightmare Coming to Pickerington School District

School Kids’ Worst Nightmare Coming to Pickerington School District

614now Staff

Uh-oh, all those pre-teen kids in Pickerington are in for a rough surprise.

30 minutes will be added to the school day so that students will be able to take advantage of more courses and opportunities. It also gives students an extra thirty minutes for kids to doze off in the middle of social studies. Why would they fall asleep? School isn’t lasting longer, it is starting earlier.

Yes! Despite a report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last year stating early school start times are bad for kids everywhere and that schools should start at 8:30am or later; Pickerington will be starting middle school at the hellish time of 7:20am while high school students get a little bit of extra time at 7:55am.

According to the CDC study, Ohio ranks as one of the earliest start time states in the nation with an average starting time of 7:52am.

Alaska is the latest with 8:33am, but we don’t really understand how the sun works in Alaska so that’s fine. The closest state to Ohio with the latest start is Illinois at an average of 8:13am.

For more about CDC’s School Start Time Reports, click here.


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