Yaas! Amateur Drag Queens & Kings Slay on Saturday

For those of us who are savvy to Columbus drag scene, Nina West and Svedka Vodka are presenting an amateur drag competition at the Axis Night Club.
New comers are welcome and encouraged to participate! If you’ve never been to a drag show, this is your time! Always a mixture of insanely accurate lip singing, choreographed dance, and sometimes even comedy, these ladies and gents definitely have talent worth watching.
If you plan to participate, make sure you bring literally all of your friends. Seriously, the more friends you have there, the more likely you are to win! Crowd participation is half the participants score, and the top 11 participants are eligible to win $1,000 in cash and prizes!
The event runs this Saturday from 8-11 pm. Admission is $6 and tables are $30. For more information visit the Axis website.