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Warm up with a visit from Short’s Brewing

Warm up with a visit from Short’s Brewing

614now Staff

The big game is growing nearer so we know it’s touchy but…not all things from *ichigan are bad, right?

Like beer. Like Short’s beer.

Short’s Brewing Company will be stopping by Columbus for a few days this week to spread their wealth with us.

Drink Up Columbus reports that they’ll be bringing with them flagship brews, specialities, pub exclusives, holiday beers, and many others for our sipping pleasure.

“This is a truly unique opportunity for Ohio to really get to know what Short’s and Starcut are all about,” said Short’s associate Kerry Cochran in a statement. “Plus, speaking from experience, if you are given the option to have a beer with Joe Short, you should totally do it. I guarantee you will laugh very hard and also learn something you didn’t already know.”

So for those of you able to put the rivalry aside for a few pints of brew, stop by Woodland’s Tavern on November 7, Bob’s Bar on November 8, and lastly Pins Mechanical Co later on on November 8 for a late night hang out.


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