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Ohio politicians react to DACA rescind

Ohio politicians react to DACA rescind

614now Staff

Photo courtesy of AOL

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is being rescinded. That means nearly 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children could lose their US government protection from deportation.

This will overturn former President Barack Obama’s signature that protected individuals 16 years old and younger who were brought into this country by their undocumented parents.

Breakdown of DACA figures per CNN:
  • Nearly 800,000: The number of young undocumented immigrants protected
  • About 300,000: The number of people could begin to lose their status in 2018, if Congress fails to act to preserve DACA protections
  • More than 320,000: The number of people who would lose their status from January to August 2019

Mayor Andrew Ginther’s reaction:

I strongly urge Congress to act quickly and decisively to enact an immigration law to protect the status of 800,000 Dreamers, all of whom arrived in this country as children; have known life only in the United States; and are now working, paying taxes and contributing to our society. Congress, do the right thing by acting swiftly to protect the rights of these young men and women, who through absolutely no fault of their own, entered our country illegally and are currently protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Senator Sherrod Brown’s reaction:

Senator Rob Portman has not taken to Twitter with a reaction.

Governor John Kasich’s reaction:

What President Donald Trump had to say:


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