Sellers beware: Fake money circulating in the city
Have you made an online purchase exchange lately? If you were on the selling end and accepted cash, you better thumb through your wallet because you may have been juked with fake money.
CPD has received six reports in the last month of people receiving phony cash. The majority of these reports are coming from people who had an item for sale online and then met up to exchange the good for money in-person. Once the deal was made, the seller would walk away and then realize the money was counterfeit. By that time, the buyer had taken off. This is happening mostly in the east Columbus area near I-270, Broad and Main Streets, reports 10tv.
So what is the deal with this fake cash and where are crooks getting it? Authorities say people are purchasing movie prop money online and using it as if it was real. The only obvious difference between prop money and real cash is the words “FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY” stamped on the front side.
Visit 10tv to learn how to protect yourself from counterfeit money.