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CBUS Woman Pleads Guilty to Fatally Overdosing Her Father

CBUS Woman Pleads Guilty to Fatally Overdosing Her Father

614now Staff

Last year, a woman was accused of administering a fatal dose of heroin to her father. Today she has pleaded guilty and received a three-year prison sentence.

Lindsay Newkirk, who’s plea removed a secondary charge of corrupting another with drugs, admitted that she and her father had a drug habit.

According to the prosecutor, Newkirk would regularly prepare heroin for herself and her father before being a de-facto taste-tester prior to giving it to her father.

There was a warning from Judge Cocroft that she should seek help before she ends up in the obituary.

Her father, Leonard Newkirk, was discovered dead Feb, 13th inside a West Broad Street motel. The autopsy confirmed acute intoxication by heroin.


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