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We’re blushing at Google’s map of most misspelled words in each state

We’re blushing at Google’s map of most misspelled words in each state

614now Staff

In honor of the National Spelling Bee this week, Google released a map revealing just how illiterate some states are. The map pulled data from “How to spell..” Google searches in each state.

Let us direct your attention to Wisconsin where the #1 mispelled word is……. “Wisconsin.” And New Hampshire, what’s going on with you?

Ohio, we didn’t fare too well either– “Beautiful,” really? Didn’t any of you guys watch Bruce Almighty? Luckily, California, Minnesota, and New York struggle with that spelling, also.

Connecticut and West Virginia, you guys went above and beyond by trying to master the spelling of a word that only exists in a movie where people use umbrellas to fly: “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”


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