#Eat614: This food truck of the week was voted city’s best

by 614Now
May 22, 2017

BBQ got its deep hooks into me when I had…
Seizing top place in this years ColumBest Awards, the motley crew of deputies running the street’s eats warranted nearly a third of the overall food truck votes. Sheriff of Brisket-ville, Zach James led the raid on mobile meat patrol when he started Paddywagon back before there were food trucks on every corner. Try the brisket tacos. Trust me.
[su_box title=”TUESDAY 5.23″]High St & Chestnut St • 11am-2pm[/su_box]
[su_box title=”WEDNESDAY 5.24″]Patio @ PINS • 6pm-10pm[/su_box]
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