Local startup growing at lightning speed, ranks nationally
by 614now Staff
August 16, 2017
A teeny-tiny company right here in Columbus is the #6 fastest-growing private company in the whole country, according to Inc. Coincidently, this small business is also one that strives to make small business opportunities possible to others.
Small Business Owners of America is an operation that provides short-term financing for startups. They were founded in 2011 and currently keep the fine-tuned machine chugging down the track with only 15 employees.
- 2016 Revenue: $19.7 M
- 3-Year Growth: 19,352%
The conductor: James Moore
James Moore..just a guy with a cropped Facebook profile picture (left), a dedicated staff, a great business model, and a huge impact on the small business climate in the U.S.