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Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions That No One Sticks With

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions That No One Sticks With

614now Staff

New Year, new you, right? Yeah, me neither.

Every new year on Facebook brings in loads of people committed to hitting the gym and shedding a few pounds during the new year or attempting to save a few more bucks than years past. That is until February hits and the grind of going to the gym every day becomes nearly unbearable and your bank account has less money than what you started 2018 with. Don’t feel guilty, it happens to the best of us.

Here are some of the most classic New Year’s Resolutions we see on social media. While these are typically never stuck to, you can use these resolutions as building blocks for yourself to create a reasonable plan that doesn’t require you to spend half your day in the gym and the other half stressing about ordering some Jimmy John’s to the office.

1.) “I’m going to start working out more!”

You’re on the right track here, but perhaps get a little more specific. Are you going to work out once a week? Twice a week? Three times a week? Four times a week? Can you handle hitting the weights four times a week? Are all these questions getting you freaked out? Take a step back, inhale, exhale, and think. What’s the most reasonable way to become more fit without sacrificing all your free time?

2.) “I’m going vegan!”

We aren’t saying this is impossible, but dammit is it hard. Instead of diving in head first to the world of veganism, try easing your way in with vegetarianism. It’s still a challenge, but you will get a small taste of what it’s like to live amongst the meatless without losing favorites like cheese or eggs. If things are looking good after a month or two, who knows, maybe you can actually do the vegan diet!

3.) “I’m going to save so much more money in 2018.”

Are you, though? Be real with yourself for a second. This goal is much like the “I’m going to start working out more”; it’s too unspecific. You need to design a plan and execute it. Whether that means saving a certain amount of your paycheck each month or cutting out eating out so much, you will be much more successful if you have an end goal.

4.) “I spend too much time being lazy. I’m going to watch less TV/movies in 2018.”

This is a good start, but you should probably find something to do to replace those times that you would spend watching TV. This opens the door perfectly for finding a new hobby. TV/movies aren’t a bad thing—they are great for relaxing—but too much of them can become a problem. Perhaps switching them out with a physical activity or a mental one will stimulate you to not even have the desire to watch as much TV as you currently do.

5.) “I’m going to read more (614) Magazine.”

Of all the resolutions on this list, this is the one we can get behind the most. We know you see us on Facebook and whenever you go grab a bite to eat somewhere! Pick us up and give it a read. Of all the resolutions to complete in 2018, this is a must! Also, this may or may not be a planted resolution.


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