Is Short North beautification project emphasizing art enough?

Art on High, the City’s public arts plan for the corridor from Goodale St. to 9th. Ave. has entered into its second phase and is currently seeking an artists or team of artists for the job.
The artist(s) selected will be tasked with conceptualizing and developing appropriate designs to enhance this corridor made up almost entirely by the Short North Arts District.
“Public art not only improves the aesthetics of a neighborhood, it can also reflect a community’s history, culture and values,” said Mayor Andrew J. Ginther. “I am excited about entering into this next phase of public art in the High Street Corridor as part of our overall streetscape plan.”
Art on High is just one element of the larger project called High Street Streetscape Improvements Project which will:
- Enhance pedestrian safety while also beautifying the area by undergrounding overhead utilities
- Increase sidewalk widths
- Standardize streetscape elements
- Upgrade lighting
- Add marked crosswalks and curb extensions
- Improve storm water management
- Add new street trees
This project will comes with a hefty price tag—$25,000,000.
The city will be setting aside 2% or $420,000 of the High Street Streetscape budget for the public art component mentioned above.
Is 2% a big enough to invest in public art in the Short North Arts District?