Short North small biz owner asks for support during chaotic construction

There’s no doubt the Short North is a wreck right now and we have the High Street Streetscape Improvements Project to thank. The objective is to widen sidewalks, beef up street landscape, and upgrade lighting along High Street from Vine Street to Ninth Avenue. The main objective is to improve safety and walkability.
That all sounds wonderful but for the time being, construction is obscuring walkability, drivability, park-ability, and shop-ability. One small business owner, though, is encouraging her customers to hang in there and continue supporting small enterprises in the area amid the chaos.
“YES…the landscape is changing, but in my opinion, it’s going to make the district infinitely better,” writes Maren Roth, owner of Rowe Boutique and KILN Men’s Mercantile & Gallery, in reference to the High Street Streetscape Improvements Project.
Roth realizes the construction creates obstacles for patrons now but has faith the end result will be well worth the wait and agony.
“We know it may not look pretty and we know it may feel like a little bit of an inconvenience to park in places you aren’t used to, but we have spent years making this district a destination and we need your support now more than ever as we make it even better!!!!” writes Roth.