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How to get Ray Ray’s new snack for FREE

How to get Ray Ray’s new snack for FREE

614now Staff

Next time you’re at Ray Ray’s Hog Pit Land-Grant Brewing location and hankering for a snack, don’t feel the need to get a full order of pork and sides, opt for the new Pawpaw Ray’s Pork Rinds.

About 30 years ago, Pawpaw Ray used to give pork rinds away for trick-or-treat. They were a hot commodity in the small country town. All those kids have grown up now but still ask for the pork rinds so Ray Ray’s is giving the people what they want.

For customers who check in at Ray Ray’s Land-Grant on Yelp, an order of the savory snack is free for the taking. Look for this gray box on the right side of the webpage.

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