Let bidding for 5 rare bourbons begin!
The Ohio Division of Liquor Control will soon commence the bidding for some of America’s most-coveted bourbons.
There will be five raffles held throughout November for the rights to buy one of the rare bottles.
All raffles begin at 6pm and names are drawn at 7:30pm, reports The Dispatch.
May be best boozer win!
Nov. 1: 63 bottles of Old Fitzgerald 9 ($89.98) at the Kroger at 199 Graceland Blvd. in Columbus.
Nov. 2: 84 bottles of Weller 12 ($28) at the Giant Eagle at 6700 Perimeter Loop Rd. in Dublin.
Nov. 8: 39 bottles of Parker’s Heritage 12 ($89.98) at the Giant Eagle at 55 Meadow Park Ave. in Lewis Center.
Nov. 9: 96 bottles of Elmer T. Lee ($35.95) at The Pit Stop at 805 N. Memorial Dr. in Lancaster.
Nov. 14: 42 bottles of Old Forester Birthday ($99.99) at Northwest Wine & Spirits at 821 Bethel Rd. in Columbus.
Those interested should be at the store by the start of the raffle.