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Mayor’s desk: 12 proposed dos and don’ts of scooter riding

Mayor’s desk: 12 proposed dos and don’ts of scooter riding

614now Staff

Mayor Ginther has come up with some new electric scooter legislation that he believes will “promote these mobility options, protect pedestrians, and protect everyone sharing the road.”

Below are some of the most important highlights.

Dos and Don’ts Similar to Bike Laws:

    1. Do understand and follow all traffic laws. Driver’s license is not required, but riders need to be at least 16 years old.
    2. Do wear a helmet if you are under 18 years old.
    3. Don’t ride on the sidewalk. These devices must be operated on the road, bike lanes or shared use paths in the right-of-way. Only ride on the sidewalk when parking or going to or from an adjacent property.
    4. Do use any traffic lane if it’s practical.
    5. Do watch where you park. Park the device on the sidewalk in a way that does not block pedestrians’ movement in the public space or from entering or exiting a building, bus, etc.


  1. Don’t catch a ride. If the device does not have two seats then it is a single-person device and you can’t have a passenger. Also – don’t hitch your device to another vehicle.
  2. Don’t ride more than two side by side. You can ride beside one friend but not two.
  3. Do use your hands. Don’t carry packages or other items that keep you from having one hand on the handlebars at all times.
  4. Do be visible. Devices need to have a white headlight and red rear reflectors if you ride at night.
  5. Do brake. You need to be able to brake quickly and safely.

Dos and Don’ts Different than Bike Laws:

  1. Don’t go faster than 20 mph.
  2. Do ride only on streets with speed limit equal or less than 35 mph unless in a bike lane or on a shared use path.

“These new transportation options are giving our residents and guests exciting new options, but we need to balance this excitement with common sense,” said Ginther in a statement. “Everyone needs to watch out for one another and make safe decisions. Let’s be good neighbors!”

These proposed items will be presented to Columbus City Council this week.


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