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North Market ditches Styrofoam, planet earth rejoices

North Market ditches Styrofoam, planet earth rejoices

614now Staff

Depending on the environmental conditions, Styrofoam can take anywhere from a few years to as many as 1 million to decompose. If you dine at North Market after April 1, you won’t be contributing to that waste.

Effective on April Fool’s Day AKA Easter, businesses operating within North Market are banned from using single-use Styrofoam items such as cups, plates, trays, or clamshell containers. That’s right, no more throwing away a bunch of waste you hardly used and absolutely no horrendous squelching sound when two Styrofoam pieces rub together. 

“We’re listening to our guests and their consistent message has been to eliminate environmentally harmful Styrofoam products at the North Market,” said Jeff Pongonis, the NMDA Board President. “With consideration for our merchants and research into products offered as replacement for those currently in use, we’ve chosen to transition away from non-recyclable and single-use Styrofoam products. While long overdue at the Market, we hope to be a leader in the region and hope it will encourage other businesses to also transition to responsible products.”

We hope you’re as psyched about this news as Mother Earth is!


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