614NOW Survival Guide: Columbus Margarita Fest

Tequila is what sad country songs are made of, what regrettable texts are fueled by, and at the Columbus Margarita Fest, it’s what we’re drinking.
The 2019 Columbus Margarita fest is back with taco trucks, live music, and more margs than any one tequila lover can juggle simultaneously. Upgrading from Franklinton, this 2019 Marg fest will be held at the Columbus Commons this Saturday, May 11. The bigger venue will allow for 3x more food trucks, 10x more serving tables, and 614x the fun (get it?)!
In exchange for 25 of your hard-earned dollars, you’ll be admitted into the fest plus granted five drink tickets. Rain or shine, we’re margarita-ing.
But once you’re in, what do you do? That’s where we come in. Below are 5 tips on how to not only survive, but thrive at the Columbus Margarita Festival.
Tip #1 Agua pregame
This is #1 for a reason: it’s so, so important. In case you forgot what your college RA pounded into your freshman brain, your body needs hydration for you to survive a tequila drunkenness. Skip the Jager bombs before the fest and opt for 60oz of water. Double that if you’ve got mad respect for your body/DD.
Tip #2 A pretzel necklace never hurt anyone
Now, we know these are more of a Beerfest trope, but has a pretzel necklace ever done you dirty? Nope, and guess what? It never will. Rather than a salted marg rim, snag your sodium from the stylish and functional accessory around your neck. Style points for beef jerky and/or string cheese add-ons.
Tip #3 Stretchy pants
Sorry, but tequilas and tacos aren’t necessarily cardio (well…depending on how fast you eat/drink, it could be. We digress…). You might notice a little bloating throughout the day if you’re sporting restricted attire. Don’t get uncomfortable, get elastic! Ladies, that could mean cotton pants or even a spandex dress/skirt. Gentlemen, we’ve got a little something for you, too.
Tip #4 Sunglasses
Not only will you look ice cold cool all day in the rain or shine, you’ll also be able to hide your drunk droopy eyes. But, perhaps the most important perk of wearing shades to the Columbus Margarita Fest is that instead of making eye contact during conversations, you can be scanning the fest for your next stop without anyone knowing.
Tip #5 Volunteer!
$25 is very reasonable for entree to the fest plus five drink tickets, but if you want to bypass the charge, volunteer! Festival organizers are still in need of bartenders, festival check-in staff, volunteer roulette, and wayfinders. Participants receive a free Columbus Margarita Fest t-shirt and each of the five drinks. Volunteer now!
To learn more about the festival and/or purchase tickets, visit columbusmargfest.com.